Typing games for kids | Kidstyping.org

If you are looking for educational websites to spend time with interactive and educational games, you need to know Kidstyping.org.

At Kidstyping.org you'll find games that provide basic computing skills. Games are classified to allow children to learn typing using regular typing techniques, the site is easily accessible, and in a super fun theme for greater encouragement, for your children to learn to have fun.

The site is divided into levels so that children can evolve into levels, have a variety of games all educational to train children's skills and have fun at the same time. I loved the site a lot and selected some of the games that you can find at kidstyping.org:

1. Ninja Hunter

In this game, there are good ninjas and bad ones. However, the child is using the keys on his keyboard to direct and control a good ninja safeguarding the temple of the goddess of the wind from being attacked by wicked ninjas. Playing this game helps the child to increase his typing speed as he tries to destroy the bad ninjas as fast as he could.

Click Here to Play !

2. Bitter Boss

Bitter boss is a game that exposes the kids on how to manage multiple tasks at the same time, either at home or office by typing the keys faster to prevent the green color from filling up and occupying the empty bar.

Click Here to Play !

3. Typing of the Living Dead

This game, which was exclusively designed for boys, introduces the child to the concept of a world with weird creatures like zombies instead of healthy living people. These people were infected by the virus in a hospital after an accident and became the walking dead. In this game, the player acting like a soldier armed to kill the living dead (zombies) and recover the healing drug in order to prevent the virus from spreading to others.

Click Here to Play !

On the site you will find even more fun and different typing games for your child to learn. All games have instructions and are all designed for the best learning of children.

*This post was sponsored by Kidstyping. All opinions are my own.
* Este post foi patrocinado por Kidstyping. Todas as opiniões são minhas.
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